Golfers are often referred to as the Holy Grail for Advertisers. Across the board they tend to be in the most affluent sectors of the community, they are high end consumers, Business owners, prolific travellers and they know what they enjoy and make sure they get the best – what’s not to love about these people?

There are 5 million Golfers in the UK, half of whom live in the Golf South region. Combine this with the fact that the majority of high earners in the Country also live in the GS region and the demographic of your potential customers becomes very attractive indeed.

In the past year we have seen a welcome increase in the number of people playing the game, with 890,000 adults who play as regular as twice per month. Many more women have joined the game which was once seen as the domain of older men (with over 100,000 playing at least once a week, a seriously untapped group as far as advertising within Golfing is concerned). Young players are moving through Junior leagues to challenge the whole concept that it’s a game for retired people with the fastest growing group is the 18 – 34 age group, showing that the Game and certainly the Golf Ideal is a growing force in the market place and will be around for a long time to come. Your target audience is vast and across the age range, whilst still tapping into the Golf Ideal and wanting the best in all things. This is all a very healthy increase in the number of people joining the Golf Ideal –all customers for you.

One of the most interesting things about Golfers is that they use the description whether they are playing or not – it’s a lifestyle, what we think of as The Golfer Ideal. They may spend 2 days a week playing on average, but they are Golfers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the whole Ideal acts as a marker for what they drive and wear, where they holiday, eat and generally relax and, most importantly, spend their money.

The whole Golf Ideal shows that Golfers are aspirational in their views. They are attracted to the better things in life. This is why we have had Rolex advertising on many occasions in our pages, along with Bentley, Porsche and BMW. £5 million pound houses sit next to Luxury Holiday destinations both in the Magazine and throughout the Website. All of these wonders are not just on the wish list of Golfers, but on their shopping list. Who wouldn’t want to be in such company?

The amount of people playing the Game has increased in the last year in spite of a general downturn in other sports. Golfers are spending over £50 million on the Ideal every year, with only a tiny percentage of this actually on playing the game – every other penny is up for grabs! Golf has become the ultimate Dynamic Social Sport, the Golf Ideal is an investment for them, with the aspirations, lifestyle choices and purchasing decisions far outweighing the playing of the game itself.

These are exactly the people you need to reach – These are exactly the people who use Golf South!

*all figures taken from Sport England