Haverhill Golf Club

Haverhill Golf Club 16th Hole.
Now a member’s club with 18 holes set in attractive mature parkland bisected by the River Stour and with strategically placed ponds, trees and bunkers the course provides a great challenge for golfers of all abilities.
You will find our reputation of having the best greens in the county as not being exaggerated and you can play on them all year round. It is not a long course, by today’s standards, the emphasis is on accuracy and good course management.
Either before or when you’ve finished your round you will find a warm welcome in the clubhouse where a range of beverages and high-quality food are on offer. You will not find a more pleasant place to relax than the south-facing terrace that overlooks the course.
Haverhill Golf Club welcome societies both during the week and at weekends, with packages
to suit all requirements
Haverhill Golf Club,
Coupals Road,
Suffolk CB9 7UW
T: 01440 761951
E: admin@haverhillgc.co.uk
Twitter @haverhillgc
Facebook /haverhillgolfclub
Instagram @haverhillgc